3 Tips To Become A Travelling Freelancer
The current job market is more challenging than ever for pros of all industries, at home and overseas. So the idea of swapping your 9-5 for more freedom but an unpredictable income feels risky.
And true, if you’re someone with a lot of financial responsibility or simply a person that craves stability, freelancing may be the wrong call for you.
But if you’re an adventurous spirit with a lust for life and a desire to break free, transforming your skills into a full-time freelance career may be the perfect way to fund your post-pandemic travels.
These three travel tips will help you decide and become a successful travelling freelancer:

1. Get equipped
It goes without saying that as a travelling freelancer, you’ll need the right tools for the job, whatever they may be. Make your business cards online within few minutes even while traveling and save your valuable time.
If you’re a writer, the chances are a reliable laptop and charger will suffice – perhaps even a tablet and Bluetooth keyboard combo if you really want to save space. Find yourself an internet café and boom! Office, sorted.
But if your new role requires a little (or a lot) more specialist equipment, you’ll need to consider the most practical way to transport everything you need – this is particularly important for trades such as photography, where your essential equipment is often fragile and will need protecting on the road. Speaking of which, insurance is advisable too!
2. Get established
Building a name for yourself as a travelling freelancer is always challenging, but especially for a nomad.
Get wise about the art of self-promotion, and don’t be afraid to introduce yourself and your trade to those you meet in real life – business cards and flyers are useful for establishing connections.
That said, a lone ranger who rolls into town looking for work like the beginning of a bad Western might raise some eyebrows, so don’t be surprised if you come up against some trust issues.
You can navigate that fairly easily by establishing a digital presence that shows potential clients that you are the real deal – but be aware that a LinkedIn profile alone probably won’t cut it.
It’s well worth paying for a professionally designed website that lists your skills and services and demonstrates your personal brand legitimacy. Don’t get the cowboys in on this one, though – a site that looks cheap, outdated and clunky can be worse than having no site at all, particularly if it forms a client’s first impression. Maratopia Digital Marketing can create a classy, clean and sleek site that shows you and your portfolio in a flattering light to ensure that the first introduction is as easy as possible.
Depending on your trade, a website can also help you source clients across the world, meaning you won’t have to rely on local demand to keep work coming in, enabling you to plan your time and finances for the future.
3. Get confident!
The final, crucial tool in your travelling freelancer’s kit is short, sweet and super-important.
Confidence is the key to any bold endeavor – how will you sell your work to any potential client without it?
Follow these three tips for a successful travelling freelancer that allows you complete freedom in your future. If you are looking for more travel-related tips then don’t forget to check our other travel guides.