How to Plan an African Safari in 10 Simple Steps

Ready for your first-ever African safari in 2024? 

Setting out for an African safari is a dream for many, and rightfully so. A safari adventure in Africa guarantees unparalleled experiences with immense beauty, unbelievably diverse landscapes, majestic wildlife, and vibrant cultures. 

I’ve had the unique opportunity to explore the richest continent in the world and its wildlife never ceases to dazzle me.

The problem is, planning a safari can be a quite confusing exercise if you’re unfamiliar with the intricacies of traveling to Africa. 

Not to worry, with decades of experience as a safari guide, I’m here to break down the process into 10 simple steps, ensuring that your journey into the heart of Africa is seamless and unforgettable.

Step 1: Define Your Safari Goals and Preferences

Before diving into the planning process, take some time to reflect on what you hope to gain from your safari experience. 

Are you eager to witness the Great Migration in the Serengeti, track gorillas in Uganda, or photograph the Big Five in South Africa? 

Consider your budget, preferred travel dates, and the level of comfort you desire. Defining these goals will help narrow down your options and create a customized safari plan.

Step 2: Choose the Right Safari Destination

Africa boasts a myriad of safari destinations, each offering a unique blend of wildlife and landscapes. Some of the top destinations include:

a. Serengeti National Park (Tanzania): Known for the Great Migration and diverse wildlife.

b. Maasai Mara National Reserve (Kenya): Famous for its abundant wildlife and the annual wildebeest migration.

c. Kruger National Park (South Africa): Home to the Big Five and a variety of ecosystems.

d. Okavango Delta (Botswana): A UNESCO World Heritage Site with a unique water-based safari experience.

e. Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe and Zambia): Combine your safari with a visit to the majestic Victoria Falls.

What Countries in Africa Do You Want to Visit?

If you’ve never been to Africa, do some research, and ask around, to find out what countries you’re more drawn to. All African countries are warm and welcoming, however, not all nations here are big on Safari tours.

So decide on a nation that is heavily invested in safari adventures. Here are my top favorite countries for a safari thrill. 

  • Kenya and Tanzania:

These East African countries have a worldwide reputation for their iconic wildlife, including lions, elephants, giraffes, and zebras. The Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya and the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania are world-famous for their annual wildebeest migrations that everyone dreams of experiencing (The Great Migration).

  • Botswana: 

One of the southern African countries famous for its luxurious safaris and pristine wilderness areas. The Okavango Delta, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a haven for wildlife, including elephants, hippos, and crocodiles.

  • South Africa: 

South Africa is Africa’s biggest safari country. Prepare for an incredibly diverse array of safari experiences, from wildlife encounters in Kruger National Park to coastal safaris along the Garden Route.

  • Namibia: 

The southwestern African country of Namibia prides itself in its stunning landscapes, including sand dunes, deserts, and the Etosha National Park, known for its black rhinos and cheetahs.

Research each destination’s highlights, climate, and entry requirements to determine the best fit for your safari dreams.

Step 3: Set a Realistic Budget

Safari experiences range from budget-friendly camping safaris to luxurious lodge-based safaris. Safari costs can vary widely depending on the destination, accommodation, activities, and duration of your trip. 

Costs could go anywhere from $150 to $1000+ according to the luxury level and safari style.

  • US$ 150 – US$ 300 Per Day – Standard Budget African Safari Costs.
  • US$ 360 – US$ 550 Per Day – Mid-Range Safari Costs.
  • US$ 450 – US$ 1000 Per Day – Luxury Safaris for Less.
  • US$ 300 – US$ 1000+ Per day – Custom & Private Safari Costs.

Source: African Budget Safaris.

Consider your budget, preferences, and desired level of comfort when making your choice. Establish a realistic budget that covers all aspects of your safari adventure, including flights, accommodations, park fees, transportation, and activities.

Here’s a list of safari styles or “types” to consider. Choose what tempts you.

  • Camping safaris: These affordable options offer a rustic and immersive experience, allowing you to connect with nature on a deeper level.
  • Mobile safaris: These safaris involve traveling in a specialized vehicle that doubles as your accommodation, providing flexibility and access to remote areas.
  • Lodge-based safaris: These safaris offer comfortable accommodations and amenities, often with game drives, bush walks, and cultural excursions included.

Tip: Keep in mind that a safari is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, so allocate sufficient funds to ensure you make the most of your journey.

Step 4: Choose the Right Time to Visit

The timing of your safari can significantly impact your wildlife viewing experience. 

Generally, the best time for safaris is during the dry season, which typically runs from June to October. During this time, animals are more concentrated around water sources, which means they’re easier to spot.

Research the best time to visit your chosen destination though, taking into account factors such as weather, animal migrations, and birthing seasons.

Here’s the best time to visit Tanzania for a safari, One of Africa’s top Safari destinations.

Tip: Avoid peak tourist seasons if possible to enjoy a more intimate and authentic safari experience.

Step 5: Research and Select Accommodations

Once you’ve chosen your destination and safari style, it’s time to book your accommodation and activities. Research and compare different safari operators, considering factors such as reputation, reviews, and inclusions.

Facebook is a great place to look.

Options range from luxury lodges and tented camps to budget-friendly campsites.

Consider your comfort preferences, budget, and desired level of immersion in nature when choosing accommodations. 

Tip: Booking well in advance is recommended, especially for popular safari destinations.

Step 6: Arrange Transportation

The African safari jeep is a famous transportation option through jungles in Africa. 

Navigating the vast African wilderness requires careful consideration of transportation options. Thankfully, tour agencies provide these African safari jeeps for tourists — another reason to choose your agency thoughtfully.

One more thing… flights. Depending on your destination, you may need to book domestic flights, hire a safari vehicle with a guide, or arrange ground transportation. 

Research transportation providers with a reputation for reliability and safety to ensure a smooth journey between destinations.

Step 7: Obtain Necessary Travel Documents and Vaccinations

Ensure you have all the required travel documents, including passports, visas, and any necessary permits for national parks or reserves. Check with your local embassy or consulate for specific requirements.

Research and consult with healthcare professionals to determine the necessary vaccinations and health precautions for your chosen destination. Plan to get vaccinated well in advance of your departure date.

Step 8: Pack Appropriately

Pack comfortable and practical clothing suitable for the safari environment. 

Consider bringing binoculars, a camera, and insect repellent. Take careful consideration of the climate, activities, and local customs. 

Essentials include lightweight, neutral-colored clothing, a hat, sunscreen, insect repellent, a good pair of binoculars, and a quality camera to capture the breathtaking moments. 

Consult with your safari operator for any specific packing recommendations based on your chosen destination.

Step 9: Be Mindful of Wildlife Etiquette

Respect for wildlife and the environment is paramount during a safari. Listen to your guide’s instructions, maintain a safe distance from animals, and avoid making loud noises or sudden movements. 

Follow the principles of Leave No Trace to minimize your impact on the natural surroundings and contribute to the conservation efforts of the area.

Step 10: Embrace the Adventure and Stay Flexible

Despite meticulous planning, nature is unpredictable. Be prepared for unexpected encounters and changes to your itinerary. Embrace the spirit of adventure, stay flexible, and savor every moment of your African safari. 

Remember, it’s not just about the wildlife you see but the immersive experience of being in the heart of the continent.


Africa is a continent that everyone should experience at least once in their lives. The continent is the origin of life and the most culturally and Geographically diverse place in the world.

I’m extremely excited that you’re ready to embark on your first safari adventure to the world’s richest continent.

Don’t fret if planning an African safari seems overwhelming. Just break down the process into these 10 simple and actionable steps and you’ll be up for an unforgettable experience in Africa.

By defining your goals, choosing the right destination, setting a budget, and embracing the adventure, you’ll be well on your way to an unforgettable safari experience. 

Pack your bags, Safe travels!

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