Top 6 Flyboarding Myths Beginners Believe | Ride In Dubai

Fly board is a new water sport introduced in 2011 and is an exciting one. Despite the thrilling nature of this sport, many people are afraid of trying it, especially because the sport is about flying high in the air. 

While people with acrophobia may not necessarily be excited about this sport, it can very well be a starting point to overcome the fear of heights. Sometimes, people are afraid to try flyboarding just because of the myths about Flyboarding they hear elsewhere. The saddest part of these myths is that they keep people from getting a wonderful experience that this sport undoubtedly gives.

This article will clarify the flyboarding myths people probably hear and what beginners can expect when flying on time. 

  1. It’s  Hard To Learn 

It is one of the biggest Flyboarding Myths that people have. In fact, Flyboarding is not hard to learn or master. For beginners, all they need to do is learn how to balance themselves, which is not difficult. Balancing comes easy when beginners learn how to improve their postures. Generally, the longest time a beginner can take to balance and control is 20-30 minutes. On the other hand, quick learners will only need a learning curve of 5-10 minutes.

Beginners are usually instructed on what they should be doing. And flyboarding comes with two options to control the power board. For beginners, it’s usually the instructors who control the power of the board. Instructors make sure the flyer doesn’t lose control or fly in the wrong direction. This allows beginners to better focus on the basics of balancing and controlling until they get the hang of it. 

Mostly only advanced fliers can control the power of the board using the handhold on the flyboard.

  1. It’s Easy To Pick It Up At Once 

While this may be true for some beginners, it’s not the same for everyone. As a beginner, it’s hard to learn the techniques and take time to pick them up. Flyboards are not like jet skiing, it’s unlike anything ever tried before. The power beneath the flyer’s feet with a high pressure takes time to get comfortable with.

Some say it’s easy to pick it up immediately by comparing it to jetski. With jetskiing, riders have the option of stand-up or sit-down model, whichever suits one’s preference or comfort. On the other hand, Flyboarding is more demanding as it heavily depends on the feet, and stand-up is the only way to go around it.  

Remember that in flyboarding the upper body doesn’t have to do much at all, and it all comes down to the small yet careful movements in the feet, toes, and ankles to get control over the sport. But, most people can learn this within 20 minutes and quickly if instructions are followed right.

  1. Backflips Are Taught In The First Lesson

Backflips aren’t easy to execute when flyboarding. While it may seem fancy to do it, it calls for some distinct steps and execution. It’s not like getting into a board and chucking oneself backward. Most importantly, when backflips aren’t done correctly, it can seriously hurt flyers or even others around. 

While the right technique is key to finishing a safe backflip, controlling the board’s power and reaching a specific height are all equally important. These are lessons beginners don’t receive in the first lesson, especially reaching bigger heights. 

This myth comes from beginners who come and throw a backflip without letting the instructors know about it- which can be harmful. Beginners can only expect to learn a dolphin dive or a 360 spin and not a backflip in their first lesson. 

  1. The First Flight Is Going To Be Neat And Clean 

It can be neat and clean if a beginner picks up the art of flyboarding within the first couple of minutes. But mostly, the first flight will not be neat, clean, or graceful. In a first flight, instructors expect and anticipate flyers to flare around. This is one of the common things beginners do as they are learning to balance by waving their arms around, even if the top part of the body has no real impact on flyboarding.

Flyers learn to control arms to balance their feet, which sometimes makes their flight more enjoyable. So in a first flight, beginners will be flaring around most of the time to keep up with their balance. One tip beginners can follow to avoid getting off-balanced is grab the life vest around the neckline area.

  1. Too Old To Fly 

There is no age limit to fly as long as one is physically and medically able to do it. While kids or youngsters may pick it up faster, it doesn’t mean older people cannot get this experience. The least thing older people can expect from flyboarding is to learn it but can still get the same wonderful experience as any other flyer. 

Of course, with flyboard stunts, age can be a concern, but age is never an excuse not to try this exciting water sport. Most watersport companies have older people over their 70s and 80s to try flyboarding while picking it up within 5-0 minutes.

However, remember that flyboarding calls for certain terms and conditions in which people who are pregnant, have an ongoing heart condition, had any recent surgeries, and have knee or ankle problems are not allowed to fly. 

  1. Beginners Sink 

Flyers are given a coast guard approved life vest and a helmet that keeps the flyer floating without trying when they aren’t flying. Many beginners are scared that something might go wrong on the first flight and that they’ll sink. Being strapped to the board when floating in the water makes beginners nervous and even scarier. The newest series of flyboards floats naturally when the flyboard is idle or turned off. This makes both the rider and the board float when they are not flying and so sinking is near impossible. 

For those now excited and fear-free to take their first jet ski ride, contact Ride in Dubai for a flyboard or jetski rental along with the guidance and instructions of certified professionals. While focusing on customer safety, they give a quick and detailed training session to make the best from a beginner’s flyboard experience. Also, as they offer a range of specialized packages, beginners are sure to find one that will assure a satisfying experience. 

The above mentioned Flyboarding Myths will definitely help you to get rid of fear. If you are looking for more travel tips then don’t forget to check our other travel guides.

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