Traveling with a Baby: Tips for Stress-Free Family Adventures
Some people think that having kids means that your traveling life is over. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. The reality is that while having kids does mean that there will be plenty of changes in the way that you travel, you can still be the jet-setting traveler that you’ve always been.
Here are a few tips to help the new parent who wants to travel with their baby:
Invest in a quality diaper bag
If there’s one thing that a baby is always going to demand, it’s diapers. If you’ve got a diaper subscription that provides you with reliable diapers that you know won’t leak and are made from baby-safe materials, you’ll probably want to bring them with you on your trip. Or at least, as many as possible. This is when a travel diaper bag can change things for you. It can serve as a baby’s travel bag while also providing you with the extra benefits found in any baby diaper bag.
Prepare for long flights
If you want to make sure you have a great trip, there’s something that will require careful preparation. If you’re traveling anywhere that requires you to be on the plane for more than a couple of hours, planning is essential. Babies can behave very well on flights, but a lot of the time, they don’t. This is sometimes due to factors outside of your control, but there are some things that you can do to make it easier for them.
From baby food for babies that are old enough to entertainment for the infant that always wants to be doing something, you’ll want to bring more than you could imagine needing so that if the situation warrants it, you’re prepared. Know that air pressure can be an issue for babies, so make sure to bring a bottle or pacifier that they can suck on for take-offs and landings, as it can help to equalize the pressure for them. Whether or not they want to take the bottle or pacifier is another story.
Entertainment is a must
As mentioned above, you’ll want to prepare to keep your baby entertained. A younger infant may not need much as they have yet to learn about things like videos or story-time. But your older, inquisitive baby may demand entertainment on a long flight where they have to be in one place for an extended period of time.
From a charged iPad with plenty of downloaded videos to toys that they enjoy playing with, plan to keep your little one entertained for as long as possible.
Learn about baby amenities
If you’re traveling by plane or train, you may discover that some airlines and train lines provide families with special baby amenities. Long flights may often have a limited number of bassinets for infants, which can make a world of difference for those international flights where you know that your little one has to sleep, but they only ever sleep in a crib. When booking your travel means, look into the special offers they have for families traveling with infants.
Pack a portable yet reliable stroller/carrier
It’s up to you what you want to bring, whether that’s a baby carrier or a stroller. Some parents don’t mind walking for a while with a baby in their carrier while others prefer a stroller. However, look into the requirements for strollers when traveling, as you may find some size limitations. Additionally, you never know what kind of “terrain” you’ll encounter, so make sure your stroller is reliable and durable for your trip.
In Conclusion
Traveling with a baby isn’t the easiest but it’s certainly not impossible. Follow these above-mentioned tips that can help your trip go a bit better than it could otherwise. Be prepared for the fact that some things will be out of your control but also rest assured that with the right preparation, you’ll have a better experience.