Best Monuments to Visit in the World

Your world itinerary is incomplete without adding some of the famous monuments in your bucket list. These are landmarks that not only mesmerize you with their extraordinary architecture but also make you well versed with the history of a specific nation. If you are in search of some of the popular monuments in the world then here we have made a complete list to make your job easy:

  • Machu Picchu, Peru: Machu Picchu is located in one of the most magnificent places of architecture in the world and is built in the lush mountainous landscape high above the Urubamba River. This old city of Incas waterfalls high wall on either side of the mountain with tiered stairs that drop into the valley down over cliffs. These unbelievable remains have been repaired and preserved, providing visitors an idea of the appearance of the city in the 15th and 16th centuries. Many people visit Machu Picchu only in Peru, and the trek to the ruins may be an experience in itself. 
  • Bagan, Myanmar: The terrain in Bagan is constantly crossed by thousands of antique temples and stupas, and where the silhouette of the temple is magnificent in the early morning or late day. The region is renowned as the capital of the Pagan Kingdom because of its greatest concentration of Buddhist temples, many of which have been erected in the 1000s and 1100s. Some of them were repaired, while others only remained. They also differ in size and sophistication, offering a fascinating mix of facilities that allow visitors to continue their site exploration.
  • Angkor Wat, Cambodia: Angkor Wat is renowned as the world’s biggest religious monument in a unique jungle area not far from the town of Siem Reap, but the complex of Angkor is of such fascination. It is more than just enormous. The site was erected in the 12th century by the Cheers and its architecture is very amazing. The site is characterized by a fascinating combination of excavated temples, with different forms, sizes, and degrees of deterioration. Some structures have a mysterious look as plants and roots swallow them up. Huge faces of stone, sculpted, stare all over.
  • Great Wall of China: The Great Wall of China is one of these undeniable travel lists that have long encouraged great adventure, covering over 7000 kilometers as it weaves its way through woods and mountains. It was erected over the centuries, with the earliest parts from the seventh century BC, and connections between the battlements and towers. Heading to Beijing today, you can choose just to explore a wall on a day trip, or take part in scheduled tours throughout the day. Some parts of the wall were restored, while others needed to be repaired.
  • Acropolis of Athens, Greece: The Acropolis stands as a magnificent monument to Ancient Greece, towering onto the city of Athens from its highest position. The Parthenon is the largest and most noticeable structure of the time, dating from the 5th to the 4th centuries BC and dominating its position. The Acropolis is a magnificent sight, sparkling in the Mediterranean sun in the daytime, and light in the night for dramatic effect. It’s an impressive sight for first-time visitors to the city, setting the stage for tourists to other regions of Greece.
  • Stonehenge, England: An amazing ancient monument, which attracts enormous numbers of people every year, this is one of the most visited monuments in the world and one of the most distinctive in the UK. It is said that the monument was built between 3000 and 1500 BC, but its origin or its purpose is not recorded, which leads to all kinds of conjecture and tales, some of which indicate religious or astronomical importance. This creates an almost magical allure for the Bronze Age Ring of Standing Stones, especially during the summer and winter solstices when the morning lights and sunset axes with the stones.
  • Borobudur, Indonesia: Borobudur is one of the country’s most significant Buddhist monuments and one of the most recognized sights in Indonesia. The property is aesthetically wonderful and serene situated in a lush, tropical environment, with mountains and volcanoes rising from a distance. This huge temple complex is located on the Java Islands in Yogyakarta and was built in the 1970s, but it was abandoned from the site, two to three centuries later, maybe as a result of volcanic explosions around this area. No wonder, it is one of the best monuments to visit in the world all around the year.
  • Mesa Verde, USA: Mesa Verde is one of America’s most aesthetically astonishing archaeological sites and some of North America’s best-preserved Indian ruins. The most imposing sites are the cliffs which have been perilously plunged into the canyon walls, although there are an extensive variety of ruins throughout the entire region, including the wooded plateau. The Ancestral Puebloans lived on top of the plateau from the 6th to the 12th centuries, and then in the rocky hamlets up until the late 13th Century, in what is now Colorado.
  • Terracotta Army, China: The Terracotta Army is like nothing else than an archaeological monument across the globe, the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang. Thousands and thousands of soldiers with one face stand in rows since they have been buried here in the 3rd century BC. The production of the site, which is estimated at 8000 clay warriors, was carried out by almost 700,000 people. It was uncovered for thousands of years until in the 1970s a farmer dug a well and found the treasure.
  • Mayan Ruins of Tikal, Guatemala: The old Mayan town of Tikal is one of Central America’s largest archaeological sites. Situated in and surrounded by jungle in northern Guatemala, the Site contains more than 3,000 buildings from a metropolis between 600 BC and 900 AD. A sophisticated civilization that housed tens of thousands of people reveals ancient pyramids, shrines, plazas, and the foundations of all types of buildings. The site was rebuilt in the mid-1800s and opened in the 1950s to the public. Some sites have been restored, but work continues, with certain regions still not surveyed or dug.
  • Easter Island: Easter Island is a southern Pacific Island of Chile famed for the gigantic Moai statues that mark the landscape. Hundreds of Moais have been distributed all across the island, created by Rapa Nui, who was believed to occupy the island from the 12th century onwards. Some are partly overthrown while others are upright, some survive on ahu (stone platforms), and several remain in a quarry where they have been built. Each carving is unique and is designed to symbolize an ancestor, from a size of a meter up to 20 meters.
  • Mount Fuji: If you are on a mission to do something adventurous in life while also enjoying a visit to one of the famous wonders of the world then come to Japan. It will give you an ideal opportunity to taste your physical as well as mental stamina when you decide to climb one of the highest mountains of the country, Mount Fuji. You can consider doing some natural photography at this place and you don’t need to be a professional mountaineer in order to climb it.
  • Taj Mahal: It is one of the must-visit monuments in the world if you are planning to explore India. Situated at the banks of the Yamuna River, it is one of the national treasures of the country that signifies romance and love. It is created from white marble and adored by unique gemstones and rare ornaments thereby making it an extraordinary masterpiece. You will be stunned to know the story behind the creation of this beautiful monument which is listed amongst the Seven Wonders of the World.
  • Golden Gate Bridge: It is considered as a second entry to San Franscisco that attracts tourists in millions of number. This orange color landmark connects Marine headlands to the city through a suspension bridge of around 2 miles. When you stand on this bridge, you will feel the amazing magnitude of its unique metal structure floating at an ideal distance above the water. Photography lovers will surely love to capture some rare moments of their life here.
  • The Pyramids of Giza and The Sphinx: If you want to become a treasure hunter then come to Egypt and discover some of the archeological places that you only see in movies. You will love a camel ride here while unraveling some of the unique artifacts that date back to old centuries. Simply stand next to the pyramid to experience the vision of Egypt’s old civilization.
  • The Colosseum: This amazing architecture is made from the unique equipment and material of Rome. You will be stunned by the size of this massive amphitheater that has a capacity to accommodate more than eighty thousand people which is equal to Olympic Stadium. The Roman people take sports very seriously as they take it as a challenge while having fun. This is the exact reason why The Collosseum has been constructed while taking a bigger goal into the mind.

What’s next waiting for you?

The list of popular monuments and landmarks to visit in the world discussed above are some of the rare ones you can ad to your itinerary. The list is endless as you can find one or more such landmarks within every country which is truly a magnificent sight to watch. If you are looking for some other popular places to visit in the world then don’t forget to check our travel guides.

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