Best Waterfalls to Visit in the World

Visiting a waterfall feels so magical and just out of the world giving you a unique experience in total. The views of the sparkling waters falling from the rocks and melting into the sea give a breath mint of air that you can simply not ignore. It seems so hard in describing a waterfall with words, there are so many beautiful waterfalls in the world that can mesmerize your eyes. From the tallest ones to the ones falling to thousands of feet below, the grandeur of waterfalls cannot be measured. These waterfalls bring a smile to the traveler’s face and you are left amazed.

Waterfall is one of the natural gems that offer every traveler a memorable experience of his lifetime. The scenery of white water falling from the black rocks is something very hard to describe in the world. In a few cases exploring the best of the waterfalls becomes a challenging task while in some cases they are easily accessible. There are different types of waterfalls you will come across during your journey and the choice completely depends upon your interest. Here we have made a list of some of the best waterfalls in the world that you must visit at least once in a lifetime:

  • Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls is considered to be one of the largest waterfalls in the world and it is also one of the most impressive ones. It makes such huge noises heard from a distance and you can see the falls from miles away. The river plummets from the cliff at a height of 360 feet falling into the chasm of churning water and falls to the mist below. It is best to visit during October or early November and in November 2019, it recorded the lowest water levels since 1995.

Located in Zambia, Victoria Falls is recognized as one of the most sought after natural wonders in the world . There are several reasons that separate this waterfall from others and its incredible height & width is a reason behind it. It is falling from a height of more than 100 meters thereby becoming one of the adventurous destinations for thrill lovers. The waterfall has produced a natural water pool where tourists can enjoy swimming as well as water yoga. Moreover, the light showers coming out of this waterfall can be seen and felt from a very long distance.

  • Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls is one of the widest waterfalls in the world you will ever see in and it is a name given collectively for all the three waterfalls that lie in the borders of Canada and the USA. With the three combined waterfalls, the flow rate of water is the highest in the whole of North America. It falls to a drop of more than 50 meters. This waterfall is also a rich source of hydroelectricity in America and people look up to this fall both in fascination and also a source of electricity.

This one will be in the list without any doubt. It is combination of three different waterfalls that fall on the border of Canada and USA. It brags about highest water flow rate in entire North America. The drops of Niagara Falls are as high as 50 meters thereby creating magnificent scenes that you will love to capture in camera. Besides, it is also considered as a great source of hydroelectric power and tourists from different corners of the world come here to experience natural beauty of this place.

  • Angel Falls

This is also one of the top and biggest waterfalls in the world falling from a height of 929 m and the waterfall is named after Jimmy Angel who belonged to the USA. It falls in the category of 15 times higher than Niagara Falls and has a height of 52 m. It is quite a sight to behold as the waters falling to the river makes surreal noise while hitting against the rocks. You cannot miss out on Angel Falls at any cost.

If you want to see water falling from the extraordinary height then come to Venezuela to experience Angel Falls. It is one of the tallest waterfalls you will discover on this earth where water is falling from the height of more than 900 meters. Tourists who visit this fall get mesmerized by its absolute creation. Moreover, adventure seekers will love to explore some more sightseeing locations in the vicinity of Angel Falls.

  • Plitvice Waterfalls

Plitvice Waterfalls located in Croatia is one of the unusual waterfalls that you will ever see and many people don’t visit Croatia often. Plitvice is a combination of many small waterfalls, joining which is becoming one of the tallest waterfalls in the world. All the small waterfalls are so impressive that you will not want to leave the place at any cost. The surrounding area is filled with colorful lakes forming from the waters of the falls. Travelers can be seen doing boardwalks through the waterfalls making it such a delightful experience. Apart from the waterfalls, you can also search for some Croatian islands which are equally gorgeous located very close to the waterfall.

  • Dettifoss

Dettifoss is considered to be one of the largest and powerful waterfalls located in the Northeast part of Iceland. It is such an untapped source of energy trapped in between Vatnajökull National Park and it looks surreal that you cannot take out the picture from your mind soon. The Government is planning to buy a hydroelectric project in the falls and the site has also been scrapped for the same. 

  • Jog Falls

When talking about waterfalls in India, Jog Falls is the highest plunge waterfall here. It is located at the base of towering Himalayas and Jog falls is the only fall that remains untiered when it falls to the single drop. Jog Falls look fantastic during the monsoon seasons when you can play and chill with water along with your friends and families. It is a popular tourist destination in India and also recognized as one of the tallest waterfalls in the world.

  • Iguazu Falls

Iguazu Falls is one of the highest waterfalls in the world that give spectators the most perfect views nestled between Brazil and Argentina. There is a history behind this fall. As per the sayings of the Legends, this waterfall came into life when a young and gorgeous woman refused to marry a God, and thereby, she ended choosing her mortal lover. When the two lovers fled, The God sliced the river giving it the never-ending fall. From then on, many young lovers have found their love in the waters of this pure waterfall.

  • Bigar Cascade Falls

This specific waterfall is located inside a National Park situated on the western side of Romania. You can see the waters falling gently over the rounded stone cloaking in vibrant moss and breaks. It breaks into many little running streams which adds in creating a glowy effect as soon as it is hit by water. It looks so magical and simply out of a fairy tale. Many people love spending quality time near this fall.

  • Grawa

The Grawa Waterfalls located in Stubai Valley of Austria is yet another amazing wonder of God. It is an 85m wide waterfall but most of the time, it is not in its full flow. The experience you will feel here can change your life with the thundering spectacle touching lives. The bright sky with the meadows all around makes it to be such an amazing show. 

  • Yosemite Falls

The Yosemite National Park is popular because of the presence of Yosemite Falls that looks simply marvelous and stunning. With a backdrop of 739m, it hosts several waterfalls in it. The cascade of the waterfalls from three levels look best during late May or even during early June. But if you visit in August, you will only see a stream of water. During the winters, the waterfall looks amazing with the melting of Sierra Nevada Mountain ranges.

  • Rhine waterfalls

The Rhine waterfalls are yet another largest waterfall that you will see in Europe joining the Rhine river which is 150m in duration. The Rhine Falls are natural and are said to be built around 15,000 years ago and it was not such a prominent waterfall then. But now it is such an impressive waterfall and it is worth visiting while vacationing in Europe.

  • Browne Falls

Browne Falls is one of the largest falls in New Zealand and it drops from a height of 619m which looks magnificent when you are up for it. The waterfall has been named after the ace photographer Victor Carlyle Browne and the falls were his favorite pastime in 1940.

  • Sutherland Falls

It is located in New Zealand and falls are known to be descending in the three cascades joining the glacial lakes of Fiordland National Park. It offers worthy sightseeing and visitors can also hike in the Milford Track for rewarding one with the best views. The lead hikers get the opportunity of seeing the spectacular falls right from its origin.

When you visit the South Island of New Zealand, you will come across this spectacular Sutherland Falls. It is the tallest waterfall of the country that boasts about a height of more than 500 meters. You can consider visiting this waterfall from the month of October to March when the weather is extremely pleasant thereby making it an ideal sight to view.

  • Nohkalikai Falls

Situated in Cherrapunji, It is a plunge waterfall which means that the water loses its contact as soon as the water pours from rocks into the cliffs of the East Himalayas. It is a one of a kind waterfall feeding itself from the rainwater from the forested plateau. During the dry months, it looks like a turquoise green pool and during monsoons, it crashes into flowing water. 

  • Kaieteur Falls:

It is one of the extraordinary waterfalls you will find in the Amazon rainforest. You will be stunned to see the amount of water flowing through Kaieteur Falls. When we compare its volume and height, it is way ahead of even some of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world. Furthermore, nature lovers find it an ideal destination to visit as they can easily discover wildlife in the vicinity.

The waterfalls mentioned above are only some of the few ones that you will love to visit during your upcoming holiday. The whole collection of top waterfalls in the world is definitely endless and each of the waterfalls is unique in its own. So go ahead and consider adding some of these incredible waterfalls in your itinerary to add real spice to your journey. Select which ones you will like to visit in your lifetime!

R Bhabanasree: A fun and adventurous person, loves traveling, writing, and eating different cuisines. A CA by profession and a writer by heart!

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